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All The Skills You Need To Thrive in One Place.
Over 30 Classes To Choose From.

Pay One Fee and Attend all the Classes you want.


Disaster Preparedness

Disaster Preparedness covers many different areas. Our classes will teach both basic and advanced steps to take and skills set to learn to be ready for disasters in your area. 


Gaining Financial Freedom

Finances are a big part of surviving. Several of our instructors who are industry professionals in this space will be teaching every aspect of financial literacy.


Farming 101

The farming classes will cover everything from how to find good farmland, prep it , what to grow, and how to grow sustainably. 


Tiny Home Construction

The tiny home construction courses at the Ready Xpo will teach every aspect of how to build a tiny home from start to finish.


Camping 101

If you ever wanted to camp but weren't sure how or where to start this class will give you the basics on what you need to know and do to follow through safely.



Our self-defense classes will cover basic and intermediate techniques for defending yourself while empty handed or with varying tools. 


Solar Power

Sustainable energy that doesn't rely on the grid is a hot topic these days. This class will give participants the know-how to start putting together their own solar power system.


Buying land

Buying and purchasing quality land that meets your needs can be difficult. This class will teach you how to find and purchase  land that meets your needs.


Hunting For Beginners

With the rise in food prices, being able to find and acquire food is a skill that is paramount. This class will provide a strong foundation in proper hunting techniques, laws, equipment. 


Wilderness Survival

This class will take the guess work and fear out of traveling and exploring nature in a deeper way. We will cover everything from fire making, to shelter building, and water purification we will

cover it all.



This class will give the participant a strong understanding of how to work different emergency communication radios. 


Off-Grid Living

This class will give participants a strong understanding of how to build and live off-grid.


Gardening 101

Urban gardening is a growing trend. This class will give the participants a deep understanding of how to start and maintain an urban garden.


Food Preservation & Storage

Making your own food is great but you will also need to be able to preserve it. This class will teach participants the best methods of food preservation.


Emergency Medicine

Being able to provide basic medical care during an emergency is extremely valuable. This class will teach how to provide aid for the most common injuries sustained in disaster and emergency situations. 


Beekeeping for Beginners

Bees are an important part of our ecosystem. This class will provide participants with a solid understanding of how to begin bee keeping and honey harvesting.


 How to Invest

To move from survival to thriving we need financial freedom. Investing is one of the main elements of financial security. This class will give participants a strong foundation in how to start, maintain and grow  your investment portfolio.


Understanding Psychological Warfare

Persuasion and influence are all around us. Many times we are making decisions that are based on information that is strategically designed by different entities. This class will teach practitioners how to identify and dissect these manipulative campaigns. 


Herbal Medicine

The original medicine came from the earth. This is a fact that many are becoming more aware of. This class will give practitioners a basic understanding of how to use herbs in a medicinal way.


Home Defense

Our home is our castle. It has become increasingly more important to learn how to protect ourselves and our property. This class will teach multiple aspects on how to secure and protect your home. 


Emergency Team Building

There is safety in numbers. This class will teach the proper way to screen, unite and train a local community disaster and emergency group. 


Backyard Blacksmithing for Less Than $100

Learn what it takes to get started making gizmos and gadgets backyard blacksmith style. This class will show you the basic tools used to heat and beat steel into things only limited by one's imagination. The focus will be on creating a "backyard blacksmith shop" with $100. Learn the basics to get you started and the tools to take you as far as you want to go. 


Drone Operation

Learn about real world application of commonly available Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and how they can be useful for photography, scouting, situational awareness, safety, video production and more.  Students will get to see craft of various costs and learn the capability of each.  We will discuss safety and legal considerations including FAA guidelines and the part 107 licensing process.  


Slingshot Make & Take

In this come with nothing leave with something class, participants will learn how to make one of the oldest  primitive hunting tools. You will make and take home a completed slingshot. 

$10 class materials fee.


Rain Water Harvesting

Water is a main element for all life. This class will teach you how to build and operate a rain water harvesting system that can lower your utility water usage as well as fulfill many other water needs.


Understanding Gold, Silver & Cryptocurrency

Understanding the changing landscape of money is paramount for financial success. This class will teach participants the fundamentals of digital and hard currencies such as crypto, gold, and silver.


Firearm Safety & Defense

Protection of self is a basic right. It is important to know your rights and how to defend yourself with a firearm. 


Custom Tea Blends For Wellnes

Learn how to make tea blends for allergies, bug bites, asthma, respiratory issues, relaxation and more.



(910) 495-6952


1619 River Rd. Robbins NC.

© 2023 by ReadyXpo. Proudly created by Hakim Isler

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